Masha and the Bear Wiki

Sheeps are characters of the Masha and the Bear series.


  • Imaginary sheeps from the episode 62. Rock-a-bye, baby! exist only in the imagination of Masha and the Bear. They have very different color.
  • The sheep from the episode About England: From England with Love is a white sheep, originally from the UK, got lost in the forest and was at risk of being eaten by wolves. Masha and Rosie save the sheep and bring her to the Bear's house, where Bunny uses his connections to send her home.



Characters TEC
Masha's House MashaRosieGoatDogChickens and roosters
Forest BearLady BearWolvesHareSquirrelsHedgehogsRival BearFrogsBeesInsectsRaccoonMouseCatMermaid
Other PandaTigerPenguinDashaFather FrostMasha the EskimoCave MashaCave BearAliensBear's fatherMonkeysKing Lion IIISheepsGenie
Items Masha's ToysMashukoBear's Robot