Masha and the Bear Wiki

Lady Bear (also known as Female Bear and She-Bear) is a main character of the Masha and the Bear series.


Lady Bear is an intelligent and good-natured childhood friend of the Bear. She likes raspberries, flowers, reading books, and listening to rock. She is fond of tennis.

She is one of the few characters with a clear story line. The first time she rebuffed Bear, who was in love with her, in favor of the Himalayan Bear, only to realize how self-absorbed he is, and another time she turned away from Bear due to his classical guitar playing as she preferred more modern music. But later She-Bear got to know Bear better, and beginning with the season 5, they became a couple. At first Lady Bear treated Masha with dislike, but then became friends with her and even sometimes helped, such as had given her a fashion magazine, helped to train her for her tennis match against the Himalayan Bear, and helped her learn to skate.

She has been acquainted with Bear and Rival Bear since childhood when Bear's father tried unsuccessfully to turn them into a music group. Since then, she can play some musical instruments.

Physical appearance[]

Lady Bear has wool of light brown color.



Characters TEC
Masha's House MashaRosieGoatDogChickens and roosters
Forest BearLady BearWolvesHareSquirrelsHedgehogsRival BearFrogsBeesInsectsRaccoonMouseCatMermaid
Other PandaTigerPenguinDashaFather FrostMasha the EskimoCave MashaCave BearAliensBear's fatherMonkeysKing Lion IIISheepsGenie
Items Masha's ToysMashukoBear's Robot