Masha and the Bear Wiki

The Goat is a character of the Masha and the Bear series.

The goat, the dog, and the piggy Rosie live outside Masha's house in her front yard but almost every time when Masha comes out they hide themselves from her. She has a light gray color and large straight horns. Goat is melancholic, she likes to chew something (especially beautiful leaves from the collection of Rosie). But she also does not mind playing with the dog and Rosie in active games. She is able to play the bayan.

The goat for the most part appears as a background character and does not take significant part in the story.



Characters TEC
Masha's House MashaRosieGoatDogChickens and roosters
Forest BearLady BearWolvesHareSquirrelsHedgehogsRival BearFrogsBeesInsectsRaccoonMouseCatMermaid
Other PandaTigerPenguinDashaFather FrostMasha the EskimoCave MashaCave BearAliensBear's fatherMonkeysKing Lion IIISheepsGenie
Items Masha's ToysMashukoBear's Robot