Masha and the Bear Wiki

Dasha (rus. Даша) is a recurring character in the Masha and the Bear series. She is Masha's older cousin.

Physical Appearance[]

Dasha has very light blonde hair, tied in bunches, fair skin, and blue eyes. She wears blue wire-rimmed glasses, and was first seen in a red dress and white collared shirt.


Unlike Masha, Dasha is quiet, unflappable, serious and a little bit of a coward (for example, she got scared of Bear).


Dasha lives in the city, as she likes it there, and only occasionally comes to visit Masha to get some fresh air and relax in the magic forest.[1] When Masha "suddenly got older", Dasha decided that she already can also go to the city. However, the growing up was temporary and Masha had to go back to the station.



Interesting Facts[]

  • In the Russian version of the paired episodes 52. See You Later and 53. Coming Back Ain't Easy the voice actress of Masha changes to a six-year-old Varvara Sarantseva, but Alina Kukushkina continued to voice Dasha. Thus, Dasha «voice» becomes more adult than Masha's.
  • In the Russian version, Masha calls Dasha just a «сестра» (sister), which is the same for «родная сестра» (relative) and «двоюродная сестра» (cousin). Because of this for a long time there was no unambiguous understanding of their kinship ties. Fans asked about this and received the following response from the creators: «Бывают такие близкие двоюродные сёстры, что как родные. А бывает, родные становятся такими далёкими, что и поговорить не о чем.» (There are such close cousins that as relatives. And it happens, that the relative becomes so far away that with him nothing to talk about.)[2]
  • According to Wikipedia, Dasha hails from Moscow (the capital and most populous city in Russia) and is where she lives when not visiting her cousin Masha.


Characters TEC
Masha's House MashaRosieGoatDogChickens and roosters
Forest BearLady BearWolvesHareSquirrelsHedgehogsRival BearFrogsBeesInsectsRaccoonMouseCatMermaid
Other PandaTigerPenguinDashaFather FrostMasha the EskimoCave MashaCave BearAliensBear's fatherMonkeysKing Lion IIISheepsGenie
Items Masha's ToysMashukoBear's Robot