Masha and the Bear Wiki

The Cave Bear is an episodic character of the Masha and the Bear series.

The Cave Bear is a distant ancestor of the Bear that lives in prehistoric time. He lives in a cave with his friend Cave Masha, an ancestor of Masha. Once Bear built a time machine and opened the portal to the past, Masha made her way into Cave Bear's house. While Bear was repairing the time machine, Masha taught the Cave Bear to be civilized (cooking food at the stake, eat with cutlery) and circus tricks (juggling with stones and riding a bicycle).

Physical Appearance[]

The Cave Bear is similar in appearance to the Bear and his father; however, he is notably larger and taller than his descendants. Cave Bear also sports brown fur, but they appear mostly grey-ish & darker in tone, and is more fluffy and messy.



Characters TEC
Masha's House MashaRosieGoatDogChickens and roosters
Forest BearLady BearWolvesHareSquirrelsHedgehogsRival BearFrogsBeesInsectsRaccoonMouseCatMermaid
Other PandaTigerPenguinDashaFather FrostMasha the EskimoCave MashaCave BearAliensBear's fatherMonkeysKing Lion IIISheepsGenie
Items Masha's ToysMashukoBear's Robot