Rock-a-bye, baby! (rus. Спи, моя радость, усни!, translation: Sleep, my joy, fall asleep!) is the sixty-second episode of the third season of the Masha and the Bear series, which was released on 3 February 2017.
Bear is turning in for a night but whilst doing so , Masha comes in from whatever she was doing (she's donning a beret and a pink sweater dress thingy so we can assume it's art). Bear quickly pretends to fall asleep in the hope that she will leave him alone. Instead she decides to become a sleepy bedhead and tells Bear that when she's asleep in her bed , she's on her best behaviour (mainly because she isn't doing anything when she's sleeping). Bear agrees and gets her ready for bed , but things start spiraling downward really quickly. Masha keeps finding ton of things wrong , like a missing glass of water , failure to brush her teeth , complaining about her bed , etcetera. Bear never pondered over how hard it would be to get an already restless girl to do the one thing that she is definitely not known for, rest. Will he ever pull it off?