Masha and the Bear Wiki

Recipe for Disaster (rus.‌‌‌‌ Маша + каша, translation: Masha + porridge) is the seventeenth episode of the first season of the Masha and the Bear series, which was released on 15 April 2011.


The two main characters are playing their own games. Bear is playing checkers and Masha is playing hockey with the hare. Eventually, Masha gets hungry and asks Bear to cook something for her. Bear offers her porridge and goes to play checkers in peace in the forest. The idea of basic porridge bores Masha to no end so she decides to combine a bunch of porridge and add jam to it to make her own strawberry porridge. She cooks it pretty well and eats it to her approval. Unfortunately the pot keeps cooking more and more porridge and Masha tries eating it but eventually she gets full and needs to figure out how to stop the porridge from overflowing. She never realized that she was supposed to turn the cooker off after she'd finished cooking the porridge that she needed. Will she figure it out?
