Masha and the Bear Wiki

One, Two, Three! Light the Christmas Tree! (rus. Раз, два, три! Ёлочка, гори!) is the third episode of the first season of the Masha and the Bear series, which was released on 9 January 2009.


The Bear adores Christmas so much he wakes up just to celebrate it. He decorates the house and waits for Santa to come, but Masha arrives instead and the holiday turns into a disaster: the tree burns down and Santa gets into an accident. The entire forest could be left without presents. But Masha and the Bear do their best to fix it and they celebrate Christmas like never before.





  • Masha wrote on the postcard «Merry Christmas», but reads studying only in episode 11. First Day of School.
  • When Father Frost tears off a hair from his beard — this is a reference to the tale «Старик Хоттабыч» («Greybeard Hottabych»).
  • Father Frost conjures Masha the Snow Maiden costume, which appears in several other episodes, for example 10. Holiday on Ice and 50. Happy Harvest.
  • This is the first episode with the song.
  • This series is the only one in which Bear was voiced by Eduard Nazarov, who also voiced Father Frost.
  • The third episode was created by the studio «Animaccord» in conjunction with the studio «Аэроплан» (Aeroprods).